Apparently, we have a new iPhone app with birding in mind. There have actually been quite a few out of the 100k apple says are available on iTunes. Now, I haven't tried it out so this review of mine is pretty much completely uninformed. It combines GPS with a databases of what birds have been found in your area. I then ties into eBird for a field guide. There are some other little things in there like life list integration. I already have iBird Plus and LOVE it. BirdsEye is a compelling app to purchase for my phone, but not for $19.99. Get it down to $5 and I would try it.
Thanks so much for visiting and commenting on my blog. I also have Birdseye for my itouch..
this is a most awesome app for us when traveling.
When in a wifi area I update the information for the location we will be in and then go find the birds..
I am sure this is much better on the phone with the gps capability.
I also have ibird and love it..and my new addition has been Sibleys app.
Love how you can compare two birds!
I find it some much easier now to ID birds when using their vocalizations!
Thanks again..and keep bloggin!
OH, I can't wait to get an IPhone and go app crazy....!
I'm not one for technical devices, but I hope you enjoy yours!
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